Friday, October 14, 2011

Stragety Quick Wright : The Hunger Games

 I think that Katniss should hide and wait to see that last
five people and then come out of the tree and fight
them to the death. After she has done that she
should join Petta and try to find a way to kill the rest.
After all, they can't deny they like each other sop why
fight each other. They should just make it intresting to the


  1. Thats very good Junior :) You did an amazing Prediction!!

  2. I think she should stay how she is now!cuz like then its harder to kill her than if she was with peeta

  3. Nice; but i dont think she should wait it out. She should camp a little but not most of the game because, then the gamemakers are going to get involved, and she doesnt eant that.
