Friday, May 11, 2012

Sometimes a Bike Is Cruel

Sometimes A Bike  Is Cruel

    This is ultimately the lesson known by Toddlers, as they go and fall down, or they scrape their  knees and hands, and the kids stand tall and short in the line to hurtness.
    Sometimes the the wheels are loose.Sometimes the bike starts shaking .Sometimes the road smacks your body like a fist.Sometimes the wind bullies the training wheels. And sometimes , the dream of riding stops and splits in two.
    Sometimes,  A Bike is cruel
    And always will be , when it is , we do the same thing. We pick ourselves up. We sigh and mourn, we recover and memorialize the fall,we rebuild our spirit .And we pedal forward.This is the advantage of being toddler. And also ,honestly,the noblest expression.
    Sometimes, A Bike is cruel and you no other choice but to use it until you get the hang of it . And when you do you’ll never regret it .
    Because always a bike might be  cruel !!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

So he thinks he's SMART!!!!!!

he thinks he’s smart, the guy in the bar
he picks up his keys, heads to his car

he slips as he stands, falls to the floor
he gets up, fumbles as he opens the door

he gets to his car, drops the key
will he get home tonight safely

he climbs into his seat, behind the wheel
starts it up, saying to himself no big deal'

he puts the car into gear
driving he has no fear

he takes off fast, driving off the curb
he comes to a light, lets out a burp

as he pukes down on his chest
still thinking he knows what’s best

as he’s cussing, the light changes red
drinking, is something he will soon dread

thinking it's the brake, he hits the gas
he runs the light, he's to going to fast

he finally gets home, all safe and sound
climbs out of his car, falls asleep on the ground

wakes up in the morning, stinking, sick and weak
swears he won’t drink again, then comes next week

he thinks he’s smart, the guy in the bar
he picks up his keys, heads to his new car

he gets to his car, he drops the key
BUT, will he get home tonight safely?

Monday, April 23, 2012

The Hunger Games Review

From the ages of twelve to eighteen,
Futures awaiting us,
Yet twenty-three will die,
Our family, friends, lovers,
All will lose someone special,
And for what?
We don't care about the Capitol's horrible Games,
We just want to survive,
And get home,
We don't want to kill,
We don't want to die,
What must we do?
Do we actually want to be accused of legal murder?
Do we want to look into the eyes of all those whose loved ones we killed?
What about all those we miss?
How will their lives be after this?
To the Capitol, it's just a sporting on TV,
But to us, it's something more,
Something horrible,
It's killing all of our family,
It's killing everyone we love,
It's killing our friends,
And can we do something about it?
Can we stop the Games?
But right now, we need to make a decision,
Do we kill or die?

Friday, March 30, 2012

The Messenger

My book so far has been  great becuase i think that it has good seqance of events and the tension i thas.
Another thing is that its not one of those books that are just intresting at the bigging and boring at the end .This book is intresting through out the pages i've read through, it has intense scenes and it makes you keep reading it .So far Ed has vistied some house's and is about to enter and disrupt one......